H&B PSO Soothing Body Wash for Dry Irritated Skin
H&B PSO Soothing Body Wash for Dry Irritated Skin
- A soothing body was for sufferers of Psoriasis and skin issues
- Contains a rich variety of Dead Sea Mnerals and other nutrients
- Moisturizes the skin and helps overcome dry and flaky skin
Product Description
Whether you are suffering from psoriasis or just a dry irritated skin, the new H&B PSO Soothing Body Wash is for you. It was formulated after years of serious research seeking to produce a bodywash that would offer the perfect combination of natural products to benefit people with special skin needs. Its Dead Sea minerals, oils and plant extracts will restore nutrients to the skin leaving it fresh and revitalized.
SKU: HB-684183
Brand: Health & Beauty
Liquid Body Wash for Psoriasis
Bottle: 400 ml/13.5 fl oz