Israeli Museum Dead Sea Scrolls

One of the greatest archeological discoveries of modern time, the Dead Sea Scroll replicas are moving and beautiful, a meaningful gift.

Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of 972 texts consisting of biblical manus from the Hebrew Bible, and other documents from that period. They have been identified with the ancient sect called the Essenes.They are written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Nabatean, dated between 408 BCE and 318 CE. These scrolls were of great historical significance and the replicas are meaningful and beautiful. They were discovered in caves near the Dead Sea by a Bedouin shepherd. The area is now known as the Qumran site.This find is of great historical significance since these manuscrips are dated to the 2nd century BCE and include fragments from the Old Testament. These scrolls are proudly exhibited in the Israel Museum in a separate hall, preserved under special conditions.

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